Tuesday 8 March 2011

Winfield House

Cultural and diplomatic jaunts seem to be a new addition to the NPG’s Youth Forum agenda, kicking off with a recent trip on the 22nd of February to the American Ambassadorial residency in Regents Park. This visit to Winfield house, the reception of President Obama’s 2009 UK visit was a chance for the galleries young representatives to not only view the stunning American  abstract expressionism centred  collection at Winfield house but to experience an intimate meeting with Marjorie Susman, exchanging views and ideas on the art and the Youth Forum’s projects.                                                 
While the members may have appeared slightly overwhelmed, swamped in their Youth Forum t-shirts, they had the chance to intimately view work from Jasper Johns, Claes Oldenburg and Cy Twombly – to name a few of the stellar artists displayed. The house has the duality as functioning as a public space and a private residence, meaning this 20th Century artwork was integrated in a domestic setting, giving a fresh and startling contrast between post war art and the luxurious decor. The prospect of meeting such a member of high American society teamed with the experience to view some of America’s most prolific art work certainly stunned the members. The bold and subjective work meant this house, however, which could be construed as intimidating and highly refined, was broken down into a relatable and open space. The sight of Oldenburg’s and van Bruggens ‘Tied Trumpet’, a bright and intriguing sculpture whose curved yellow tentacles bounded violently off the fine drapery, was a bizarre but oddly dynamic presentation of art. The Youth Forum was guided around the plush settings, being personally introduced  to works such as ‘Spider’, a miniature of the glorious Louise Bourgeois arachnid sculpture, and Mark Rothko’s simplistic and atmospheric ‘Orange and Tan’. Marjorie Susman herself had an in-depth and sympathetic voice to offer up these pieces with, personally seasoning the talk with anecdotes such as being invited back to the home of a notable American art dealer and being allowed to leave with whatever work she desired!                                                                                                                                                                                               The tour was an incredible experience, not only for the chance to meet such a fantastic art collector and view the art work, but it gave the opportunity to see a display of art outside of a formal gallery. As the ‘children’ of the National Portrait Gallery, the Forum realised the difficulty of curating as Ms Susman told us the difficult process of selecting art that was appropriate, engaging and reflective of America’s modern artistry. Many thanks to Ms Susman, who was the perfect cultured host, whom we credited with a prestigious oversized Youth Forum t-shirt as a token of our appreciation. 

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